Episode 88: Chris Nicoll

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11822269_10153085436060893_7123664374066546207_nA skilled talent in creative imaging and radio management/administration, and someone who I am lucky to call a friend, has left one of the top Imaging Gigs on EARTH to find greener pastures.  Chris Nicoll is (or was, depending on when you read this) Head of Production for Capital Radio, Capital Xtra, Capital TV, Capital Solar System and Capital Networks at Global Radio in the UK. There were two of these pretty major announcements within days of each other near the end of 2015, Dave Foxx leaving Z100/NYC at iHeart Radio being the other.  Chris is still young and showed no signs of being “pushed out” so it might have been more surprising to hear of his departure. Well, we discuss it all.  I appreciate his candor and his time and look forward to what he has coming next. (If you listen to the show I think the photo I grabbed of Chris and his Father is pretty appropriate)

BONUS: I interviewed the TEAM @Capital a while back.  Hear Part 1 here – Part 2 Here

See him online at WizzFX.com or on twitter @C_S_Nicoll

2 thoughts on “Episode 88: Chris Nicoll

  1. Had to look up “anorak” after listening to the episode… great word! Etymology wise, it seems that trainspotters would often wear anorak coats all day while trainspotting in the cold, so some writer named the group based on their fashion choice. Soon, other folks started using the term to describe any niche hobbyist who is into a subject that most people don’t find that interesting.

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