Episode 125: Nik Smon

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I should lead with one of the big reasons I wanted Nik Smon on the show:  He uses Ableton.  Music producers, especially electronic producers, might say, “So what?”  But in the Radio Imaging world it’s rather rare to work in this DAW.

(Warning – Voice talents or NOT-so-nerdy-audiophiles – we get super nerdy with audio geekery)

I saw Nik in action on stage at the Imaging Days in Amsterdam. He was methodically, efficiently and creatively moving around the software building musical, tight, effective production in no time and I was REALLY impressed.  I had to know more!  Nik is a freelance Radio Imaging producer based in Slovenia.  He works for stations and brands on an international scale and is a specialist in music branding, custom intro production and (in my words) making everything he produces feel like it was “born that way.”

PLEASE visit the SHOW NOTES page for this show.  He provided a lot of great content: bonus audio, studio pics and plenty of links!