I don’t know about you but end of months are getting crazier and crazier. So, I was away from the blog since the – P1″ href=”https://old.ryandrean.com/2013/04/episode-56-jerry-rohira-p1/”>Jerry Rohira Podcast. I am back with some work for you to check out. If you ever want your stuff on display for the world to see, fire it at me!
I’ve had Andrew (A-smooth) send me stuff from time to time and his work is tight. He’s also one of the young prods that, if he stay’s with it, could be successful and earn enough…to live…like the rest of us. So check out his work and hire his ass.
This is a sample of recent work I’ve done for CHR and Urban formats, I have no affiliation with these stations. I’ve been imaging for about a year and am a young producer at 22 years old. Included is a top of the hour ID, a hits sweeper, a throwback sweeper, a branded intro, a Rihanna concert promo, and a new music sweeper. Just looking for some
feedback and areas that I can improve on.You can contact me through facebook.com/djasmooth. I enjoy networking with others so drop me a line.