RDAB Audio Production Music: Sampler 02

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NAME YOUR OWN PRICE: Worked pretty well with Sampler 01 (or bad depending on your point of view)!

"I make it, you price it, you use it."


Audio Production Beds: Sampler 02


-10 High Quality Audio Production Beds

-ALL free and clear for all media usage

-Various genres but mostly high-energy, contemporary (Listen to demo)

-All come with at least Two Versions/Mix-outs (38 files in total)

-Mix-outs Include FULL, LITE, DRUMS only, -Guitars, etc

-Each track is at least :45 up to 1:30 with EASY cut points throughout

-All delivered as 24 bit/48K WAVS

-Delivered in a "convenient" (HUGE) 650 MB zip file

Want more to read?  Well, Okay...

I tried to get a little more...whacky(?) with Sampler 02.  Not crazy but maybe a few of these are bit... bizarre.  Or maybe that will be a good thing!  Either way, for now the goal remains to put some tools into the world that anyone can use for cheap. Especially new Producers or Creators out there who don't have the cash or the access yet, you have some music to screw around with.

As always you'll get many mix-outs, files bounced in WAV (24/48) and produce with many genres in mind.  I use them in Hot AC, Country, CHR, Sports, ALT, Jack and more.  THIS is my SECOND pack and still testing to see what price people will pay, and if this Gumroad setup works for me and YOU.  

Feedback?  Love to get it, contact up top.

Why so random in this "Sample Pack Format"?

For now I will aim these at producers of many styles, many formats, many applications, many years of quality production 😉