New Sound Design Package: Bubblefuzz

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bubblefuzz-cover_smlNot too often do I write up a post about a new AC Radio SFX product.  They exist but are often over shadowed by the big CHR or  more aggressive content.  Adam Venton via his Little Monster Media brand has released BUBBLEFUZZ.

I am happy to write up a post on these packages as they are released BUT even better when I get to use them…and I have.  It is jam packed with various categories and has just enough ‘edge’ to make your AC sound cool or your HOT AC Sound like….HOT AC.

BONUS:  Adam is offering a 10% discount to YOU (assuming you are reading this post) by using CODE: RDPRODPOD

From the site:

Bubblefuzz’ is an imaging FX package developed specifically for AC & Hot AC imaging formats.

200 imaging FX elements including all the usual suspects; beats, breakers, combos, drones, hits, light hits, risers, sucks, whooshes and wipes.

Already in use by some top-level producers, Adam also notes, with as much excitement as I know Brits to exert:

Absolute Radio and Magic (both national Bauer networks over here) have taken it and will be using it

Hope you check it out and if you like it, grab it!