Imaging Days 2014 Recap

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I’ve had a few days to get back into the swing and dig out of the missed work but I finally pulled some of my pics and created an Imaging Days wrap up.  I wont write too much because there is so much out there about how great the event was.

1.  What was best? Meeting everyone (Networking).  I knew I would meet all sorts of big talents from around the world but it didn’t sink in just HOW MANY big talents I would meet until I was there.  It was literally everyone from Europe. Or it felt like it.  Amazing and overwhelming.

2.  What could be better? For a “Year One” event, not much!  But yes, there were some areas to improve and I already know that they are making adjustments for the 2015 Imaging Days.  ie Breaks in between seminars – Needed more.  Structure to the panels – needed more facilitators (Reel World did this well). The Food and Drinks. Not a huge deal as you can BYOB (Water etc) but the lunches needed some work.

3.  Was it worth it?  ABSOLUTELY.  For Americans?  YES.  I think in order to really feel like you are getting the best bang for the buck – save up, make a week out of it and do as I did by dividing the trip into two segments: between Holland and another region.  Like a few days on a train through Europe, a quick flight to London (like me) or a slightly longer flight up into Scandinavia.  But  if you have to pick a place in Europe to visit for an Imaging Conference it doesn’t get much better than Amsterdam, Holland.

Helpful Links: – Check out Early bird for 2015! And a lot more (professional) pics – Another post full of Pics – The Imaging Days on FB

My Pics! – I took about 700 but I didn’t subject you to everything.  Starts with my Views in Haarlam, Holland – Onto the Conference – then onto London.