Episode 90: Scott Fisher

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scott fisher-uglymug90th episode??  Damn.  Scott Fisher is one of the leading Radio Imaging Voice Talents in America.  He is heard on some of the largest stations in the largest markets. He is BIG-TIME.  It’s a shame that it’s taken me this long to have him on but I had to save some of the best…

Scott is from a radio family.  In fact one his family owned stations subscribing to a country service I operate is the reason we met!  Small world.  Scott has been #2 on Benztowns Top 50 Imaging Voice list for all of its existence.  That should give you an idea of his scope.  For seasoned Imaging VO’s and/or those looking to break in, I believe you will find this show very insightful and useful.  Hope you enjoy!

Here is a link to his full demo mentioned in the show