Episode 86: Kelly Doherty 2015

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Kelly Doherty 2015It was high time I had another recorded conversation with Kelly Doherty.  Since we last spoke she moved across the country, twice, and elevated to what might be the most prominent imaging position in the U.S.  Kelly is the Vice President of iHeartMedia. Again, as would be expected with Kelly no holds barred content-wise and we covered a lot.  We also got into The Imaging Days panels she will be a part of.  Her’s sounds amazing!  She will also do me the favor and join my Monday Power Player panel:  INNOVATION.  Check out the show below!

4 thoughts on “Episode 86: Kelly Doherty 2015

  1. Love this interview. The golden nugget discussed here was what Kelly said about “creative” people and how to manage or handle them. That part is worth its weight in gold! That is what makes her
    who and where she is. The ability to manage and get the best out of creative types. You can bet
    that the talented pros who work under her really know her heart and really respond. Now if she would just answer an email! LOL.

  2. What jacksteele said; creative people don’t handle negativity well! So much more to be gained from focusing on what we do well and encouraging creative types to do MORE of what they do well vs dwelling on negative feedback! If only air check sessions and more consultants pushed this philosophy!

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