Episode 123: Brad Leask

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Brad is the Network Imaging Producer for NOVA Entertainment based in Sydney, Australia.  Great gig for a seasoned veteran of the industry…or for someone who has been in for 5 YEARS and is all of 24 YEARS OLD!  You wouldn’t know how old or young he is by talking to him.  You will know how much passion and love he has for the Radio Imaging Production industry and Radio in general.  I would list some of the many places he’s worked (credits so-to-speak) but there is NOVA and…..NOVA.  He tells us about starting out, the realities of working 3 jobs, going to school and just being AT the station whenever possible and what it takes to get IN and get GOOD.

Voice Actors:  I do make an effort to dig in and get some info for you about what is expected by the big producers… but you will hear at about the 30min mark that the setup between talent and producer at the major networks and stations in Australia is TOTALLY different from the states.

PRODCAST:  Brad was featured as the first guest on Dom Evans podcast “PRODCAST.”   I mentioned this in my intro – so here is the link to that.  I have listened and it is GOOD!  In fact I didn’t notice until now, but the show finished with Brad back for the finale so I still need to go hear that.  Dom is smarter than me –  doing his shows MORE often and in a season format.  He is currently on break.